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Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.


Drum Handling

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We are instrumental in offering
Drum Handling
which is used for moving drums from one place to another. These dollies are manufactured using superior quality raw material,
which ensures maximum durability. Our dollies are offered to the clients in different heights. We also offer these dollies
at cost-effective rates.

Capacity : 210 liter or 500kgs
Application use suitable to steel drum or plastic drum lifting, shifting
Movement direction mode : Vertical
Drum holder : by means of fabricated belt & pipe with positive gripping
Structure : simplex single mast structure made from heavy duty ā€˜cā€™ channel section. It would be supported by heavy-duty
deep grooved guide rollers. Forks lifting would be by means of 2 nos. Duplex chain & design pulley
Handle : designed for best maneuverability & made of m. S. Pipe
2ā€ x 2ā€ nylon swivel castor wheel
With 6204zz double ball bearing
Paint : auto-finish paint

Our Vision

* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Ball Screw Lifts, Battery Stacker, Car Lifts, Cylinder Trolley, Cylinder Truck, Die Loaders, Drum Handler, Drum Handling, Drum Lifter, Drum Lifting, Drum Lifting Equipment, Drum Tilter, Drum Trolley, Electric Stacker, Extension Ladders, Floor Cranes, Folding Ladders, Gas Cylinder Trolley, Goods Lifts, Hydraulic Lifts, Hydraulic Pallet Truck, Hydraulic Pallet Trucks, Industrial Ladder, Industrial Wheel Barrow, Lift Platform, Lifting Equipment, Manual Stacker, Material Handling System, Material Handling Wheel Barrow, Materials Handling Equipment, Pallet Scale, Pallet Stackers, Pallet Trucks, Pallets Trucks, Platform Ladders, Platform Truck, Products, Scissor Lifts, Scissor Tables, Semi Electric Stacker, Step Ladders, Telescopic Ladders, Tower Ladders, Truck Loading Equipment, Wheel Barrows